
田村記久恵 / Kikue Tamura

最終仕上げはデジタル。使用PC: Mac OS Monterey、使用ソフト: Adobe Photoshop 2023

【新 刊】
Postcards from a Bilingual Family 日×米家族の11年』(IBCパブリッシング)
※『Asahi Weekly』で11年間連載した英文イラストエッセイ全話を加筆修正の上、+αも収録

【著 書】
ゆるエコ 無理なく、楽しく、あるもので』(KADOKAWA)
悦楽バイリンガル子育て 〜オットは外国人コドモは未来人〜』(主婦と生活社)

【連 載】
週刊『Asahi Weekly』(朝日新聞社)にイラストエッセイ
Field Notes of a Bilingual Family」を連載中。


Kikue’s hand-drawn illustrations have appeared in dozens of magazines, books, and web media. She finishes her work digitally using Adobe Photoshop on an Apple computer. 

She has published one book in English and Japanese:
Postcards from a Bilingual Family ー 11years of Japanese- American Family (IBC Publishing)

She has published two books in Japanese:
Yuru Eco: Easy, Economical and Fun Eco Living (Kadokawa)
Etsuraku Bilingual Parenting — Bilingual, Bicultural Parenting of the Children of the Future (Shufu to Seikatsusha)

Since 2011, she has been contributing a biweekly illustrated essay called “Postcards from a Bilingual Family” (Asahi Shimbun) for the “Asahi Weekly” newspaper.

Kikue, her American husband, and two children enjoy an eco-friendly and semi-vegetarian lifestyle. Her interests are folk arts and crafts, making Japanese shimekazari rope decorations, knife sharpening for family and friends, hiking in the hills around her home, and entertaining her two cats.